(+34) 660400267 | @ricardserarols

Designer from Barcelona. My work embraces different fields of design, mainly from product and graphic design to art direction.

︎Product Design︎Research︎Graphic Design
︎Art Direction  – Overview

Designer from Barcelona.
My work embraces different fields of design, mainly from product and graphic design to art direction.

︎Product Design
︎Graphic Design
︎Art Direction

– Overview

︎Clay (Bitossi) – 2018

Clay explores the raw, expressive qualities of ceramic. The vases are turned on a wheel and later ripped – off of the top. The brutal action exposes the earthly quality of clay. More than designing the pieces, there’s a search for intuitive production processes to allow the material to be free to perform.
Developed during internship at Formafantasma

︎︎Selección de modelos, prototipos, dibujos y maquetas – 2022

Editorial design with Marc Morro made in the studio and for the studio. Drawings by Mark Bohle

︎Marc Morro Studio – 2021-2023

Assistant for furniture projects commissioned and/or ad hoc for different people, brands and companies.

︎Tai – 2022

Plate design for Fuego (Bangkok, Thailand).

︎Ex01: Recicle – 2022

Exercise on restoring and redesigning an existing stool found on the street. Wooden recycled structure with new red-lacquered squares and a new surface made out of recycled plexiglass.

︎The Table Knife Project – 2022

Florentine Kitchen Knives brought together 22 local design studios to each create 2 table knives based on an existing FKK table knife. The project started in order to raise money for El Llindar foundation.
Designed and developed with Marc Morro

︎Simon 270 – 2021

Set design assistant with Banzai Turba.
Shooting for Simon’s 270 system catalog. Photography & art direction by Kiwi Bravo

︎︎Aging Matter – 2019

‘Aging Matter’ is a collaborative platform for designers and makers that allows designing / manufacturing hand in hand with biology. It presents a new paradigm of manufacturing where clothing is not made but grows from a first skin. This platform intends to provide the tools so that the designer / maker can create with a biological material in a free and independent way.
It is a project that emerges from a theoretical research on transhumanism with a special interest in biodesign, which will guide the project towards a material exploration with mycelium as a tool to convey a series of concepts.

︎Loewe FW22 accessories campaign – 2022

Set design assistant to Hella Keck for Loewe FW22 accessories campaign. Photography by Marton Perlaki

︎︎¡Poti-Poti! Magazine® – 2022

Graphic design, identity & art direction of ¡Poti-Poti! Magazine (shop). Created this magazine in 2020 along with Arnau Orriols and Irene Serra.
A collaborative project with a biannual paper publication, which offers a space for dissemination, debate and reflection.

Issues 2 & 3 in collaboration with Helena Esteban and Xabi Lahidalga for the editorial design.

︎︎Ephemeral (Bofirax) – 2018

Art direction, graphic design and photography for Bofirax’s first LP album ‘Ephemeral’.

︎︎Aging Matter (book, research) – 2019

BA Thesis research around biology, transhumanism, body and speculative design. The research itself guided the project towards a material exploration with mycelium as a tool to convey a series of concepts.
Concept, graphic design & art direction of the book.

︎ research pdf

︎TAOA – 2018

‘The Age of Aquarius’ (TAOA) aims to recreate a dystopic future as to religion, inspired by ancient egyptian faith and traditions. Working together with a multidisciplinary team, we conceived a speculative scenario where people contemplate the sky for answers, which led us to design a headrest.
In collaboration with Daniel Rifaterra | Alba Eiriz, Carla Vives.

︎︎Sleeping – 2018

Research volume initiated under the commission of designing a bed for Marc Benda. This atlas is made possible through an historical research throughout time in the fact of sleeping: not just looking at the bed itself as an object but at how people in life experienced this time range dedicated to sleep in a daily manner.
Developed during internship at Formafantasma.
Special thanks to Daniele Misso.

︎2403 Tableware – 2017

Porcelain tableware designed to force customers eat with their hands. It contributes to finding out how people eat as it is designed to track the customer's movement and gestures while eating. All of the pieces have a small blue mark that is used for motion detection.
It allows collecting information and data to analyze how people eat with hands but can also be translated into a unique artwork (generated through AI) showing one's movement along the meal.

In collaboration with Gerard López.

︎︎Decades (Bofirax) – 2021

Art direction, graphic design and photography cover of Bofirax’s EP album ‘Decades’.
In collaboration with Santiago Colorado.

︎︎Selección de modelos, prototipos, dibujos y maquetas – 2022

Editorial design with Marc Morro made in the studio and for the studio. Drawings by Mark Bohle

︎Tai – 2022

Plate design for Fuego (Bangkok, Thailand).

︎Marc Morro Studio – 2021-2023

Assistant for furniture projects commissioned and/or ad hoc for different people, brands and companies.

︎Loewe FW22 accessories campaign – 2022

Set design assistant to Hella Keck for Loewe FW22 accessories campaign. Photography by Marton Perlaki

︎Ex01: Recicle – 2022

Exercise on restoring and redesigning an existing stool found on the street. Wooden recycled structure with new red-lacquered squares and a new surface made out of recycled plexiglass.

︎The Table Knife Project – 2022

Florentine Kitchen Knives brought together 22 local design studios to each create 2 table knives based on an existing FKK table knife. The project started in order to raise money for El Llindar foundation.
Designed and developed with Marc Morro

︎Simon 270 – 2021

Set design assistant with Banzai Turba.
Shooting for Simon’s 270 system catalog. Photography & art direction by Kiwi Bravo

︎︎Aging Matter – 2019

‘Aging Matter’ is a collaborative platform for designers and makers that allows designing / manufacturing hand in hand with biology. It presents a new paradigm of manufacturing where clothing is not made but grows from a first skin. This platform intends to provide the tools so that the designer / maker can create with a biological material in a free and independent way.
It is a project that emerges from a theoretical research on transhumanism with a special interest in biodesign, which will guide the project towards a material exploration with mycelium as a tool to convey a series of concepts.

︎Clay (Bitossi) – 2018

Clay explores the raw, expressive qualities of ceramic. The vases are turned on a wheel and later ripped – off of the top. The brutal action exposes the earthly quality of clay. More than designing the pieces, there’s a search for intuitive production processes to allow the material to be free to perform.
Developed during internship at Formafantasma

︎︎¡Poti-Poti! Magazine® – 2022

Graphic design, identity & art direction of ¡Poti-Poti! Magazine (shop). Created this magazine in 2020 along with Arnau Orriols and Irene Serra.
A collaborative project with a biannual paper publication, which offers a space for dissemination, debate and reflection.

Issues 2 & 3 in collaboration with Helena Esteban and Xabi Lahidalga for the editorial design.

︎︎Ephemeral (Bofirax) – 2018

Art direction, graphic design and photography for Bofirax’s first LP album ‘Ephemeral’.

︎︎Aging Matter (book, research) – 2019

BA Thesis research around biology, transhumanism, body and speculative design. The research itself guided the project towards a material exploration with mycelium as a tool to convey a series of concepts.
Concept, graphic design & art direction of the book.

︎ research pdf

︎TAOA – 2018

‘The Age of Aquarius’ (TAOA) aims to recreate a dystopic future as to religion, inspired by ancient egyptian faith and traditions. Working together with a multidisciplinary team, we conceived a speculative scenario where people contemplate the sky for answers, which led us to design a headrest.
In collaboration with Daniel Rifaterra | Alba Eiriz, Carla Vives.

︎︎Sleeping – 2018

Research volume initiated under the commission of designing a bed for Marc Benda. This atlas is made possible through an historical research throughout time in the fact of sleeping: not just looking at the bed itself as an object but at how people in life experienced this time range dedicated to sleep in a daily manner.
Developed during internship at Formafantasma.
Special thanks to Daniele Misso.

︎2403 Tableware – 2017

Porcelain tableware designed to force customers eat with their hands. It contributes to finding out how people eat as it is designed to track the customer's movement and gestures while eating. All of the pieces have a small blue mark that is used for motion detection.
It allows collecting information and data to analyze how people eat with hands but can also be translated into a unique artwork (generated through AI) showing one's movement along the meal.

In collaboration with Gerard López.

︎︎Decades (Bofirax) – 2021

Art direction, graphic design and photography cover of Bofirax’s EP album ‘Decades’.
In collaboration with Santiago Colorado.